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Resolved 2023 ICD-10-CM for hospitals

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New member

I am taking the pbc course and one of the required books are the ICD-10-CM for hospitals. i am searching on how to tab it but cant find any videos. did i order the wrong book? please help
No that is the correct manual.

Many ICD publishers include tabs for the main sections of the ICD.

We do not have a video for that as it is pretty self-explanatory just use the table of contents to see what you want to tab other than the sections as some people will tab the index according to the alphabet for faster coding.

Here is my ICD:
Thank you Lori. My book is the bucks version which did not come with tabs. But thank you for your response. I will tab according to sections.
Just a heads up. I also got the BUCKS book and I labeled my tabs by chapter numbers and now I see that is not going to be efficient after doing module 2 so I'm going to. have to re do my labels. I recommend label the sections based on the alphanumeric code i.e. (A00-B99). Good luck!
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