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2024 AAPC Test Date Schedule


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Hi Jesus, I failed my aapc 1st test. Now I want to look for 2024 test date schedule but I can't find these test date and location. Please advise. Thank you
Hi Jesus, I failed my aapc 1st test. Now I want to look for 2024 test date schedule but I can't find these test date and location. Please advise. Thank you
Starting January 1, 2024, all AAPC exams will be administered electronically – eliminating in-person, paper/pencil exams. So there are no more test dates or locations as you can essentially pick any date/time to take it online.

Source: https://www.aapc.com/certifications/reschedule-or-cancel-an-exam
The time does not stop for breaks when you take an online exam. You can find more information about taking the exam and scheduling at the link Jesus provided.

Some people have stated that if they feel their home is to difficult to test in they had good results testing in a hotel room. It is quite, good internet and you can relax after the exam.

Source: https://www.aapc.com/certifications/reschedule-or-cancel-an-exam
Hi Alicia, I tried to redeem my voucher, however I ran into an issue. Please help. Thank you


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Hi Alicia

Can I take the AAPC test with 2023 ICD 10 Cm & CPT version 2023 instead of 2024? Cause i made a really note for myself on 2023 book now I have to transfer that is a lot of work and I will take the test soon. Thank you
Hi Alicia

Can I take the AAPC test with 2023 ICD 10 Cm & CPT version 2023 instead of 2024? Cause i made a really note for myself on 2023 book now I have to transfer that is a lot of work and I will take the test soon. Thank you
It is highly advised you use the 2024 editions of all the coding manuals. You will be at a disadvantage using older editions due to all the changes from year to year.
Has anyone tested at a testing center? I don't want to test in a hotel room and I will be too nervous at home. My understanding is that you can't even have a pencil or scratch paper. If I want to go back and work on a difficult question, I should be able to write down the number of the question, so I can go back and work on it. Just saying, they should have left it the way it used to be so that chapters can make a little money to spend on meetings.
Has anyone tested at a testing center? I don't want to test in a hotel room and I will be too nervous at home. My understanding is that you can't even have a pencil or scratch paper. If I want to go back and work on a difficult question, I should be able to write down the number of the question, so I can go back and work on it. Just saying, they should have left it the way it used to be so that chapters can make a little money to spend on meetings.