Pt has L wrist fracture and was put in a cast. Comes back to the ED the next day as having pain due to cast MD gives pain meds and refers him back again to orthopedist who he will see tomorrow.
Coding clinic 2013 4 th quarter same scenario but MD adjust the cast and puts an ace bandage over it. CC States to assign fitting and adjusting of cast as the focus of care was for adjusting the cast and not the fracture.
in my top scenario would I only code for wrist pain with a history of a fracture?
thank you
Coding clinic 2013 4 th quarter same scenario but MD adjust the cast and puts an ace bandage over it. CC States to assign fitting and adjusting of cast as the focus of care was for adjusting the cast and not the fracture.
in my top scenario would I only code for wrist pain with a history of a fracture?
thank you
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