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Resolved CPC Exam - notes in book

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New member
I am taking my CPC exam in September of this year and I'm wanting to know exactly what kind of notes am I allowed to write in my CPT book? I've been going through the BHAT guides and doing those, but there are other notes that I want to write in my book; however, I'm scared to death that I'm going to write something that I'm not supposed to!
This is what AAPC has officially on the website for notes in your manuals.

CPC allowed in book.jpg

Handwritten notes are acceptable in the coding books only if they pertain to daily coding activities. Questions from the Study Guides, Practice Exams or the Exam itself are prohibited. Tabs may be inserted, taped, pasted, glued, or stapled in the manuals so long as the obvious intent of the tab is to earmark a page with words or numbers, not supplement information in the book. Altering, whiting out, painting, or printing over any pages within the code books (e.g., marketing pages, table of contents, reference pages, etc.) to supplement information is prohibited.

No materials (other than tab dividers) may be inserted, taped, pasted, glued, or stapled in the manuals.
So we can have any kind of notes, we just can’t have answers to questions.. right?
So we can have any kind of notes, we just can’t have answers to questions.. right?
AAPC has not really ever clarified exactly what they allow or don't allow.

Their tips state:
  • Get your materials organized: Well-marked codebooks can be extremely helpful during the exam. Because coding guidelines contain instructions for what can be reported and what cannot be reported, use different colored highlighters to quickly distinguish between the two..
*Notes on printed side of pages are allowed

Highlighting, underlining and brief notations needed for day-to-day coding is permitted on the printed side of the page. Long passages of information is not permitted on the blank pages of the printout.

6. Review the “Allowed Reference” page in this packet. Tabs can be inserted, taped, pasted, glued, or stapled in the code books if the obvious intent is to earmark a page with words or numbers and not add supplemental information. No other material of any kind is allowed. Handwritten notes in coding books (as those commonly seen for daily coding activities at work) are permitted. Code books will not be disqualified due to writing of this nature contained therein. All resources listed on the back of the AAPC Examination Instructions may be used. A Medical Dictionary may be used only for Specialty credentials. Manual calculators are the only devices permitted for any exam.

can i write my handwritten notes or annotations on transparent sticky notes or will that disqualify these notes?
No, you can not use these in your manuals for an exam no sticky notes are allowed!

aapc what allowed in manual.webp

No materials (other than tab dividers) may be inserted, taped, pasted, glued, or stapled in the manuals.

I asked AAPC to clarify in this AAPC social hour.

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