How Long Does It Take to Complete a Review Blitz?
It is really up to each student how long Blitz takes to complete. Some students finish it in one (1) month while others take longer. You have nine (9) months of access which is calculated as 270 days.
Please keep this time frame in mind when purchasing books and manuals. Please read our FAQ at the top of the
book page for more information.
Remember, you have the following benefits while taking the Review Blitz:
- Each video is between 20 – 60 minutes in length.
- You can pause the videos
- You can rewatch the videos in the areas you need to work on
- If it’s a medical coding area that you feel comfortable with, you can skip it and save time studying
- You can spend more time studying problem areas
It is really up to each student how long Blitz takes to complete. Some students finish it in one (1) month while others take longer. You have nine (9) months of access which is calculated as 270 days. Please keep this time frame in mind when purchasing books and manuals. Please read our FAQ...
How Long Does It Take To Apply The BHAT® Method?
Applying BHAT® to your CPT manual takes about 20+ hours so plan accordingly. As an example, if you're using it in conjunction with Medical Coding Review Blitz videos, we recommend you apply the BHAT™ to the section you are about to learn (i.e.. Integumentary Module in the Medical Coding Review Blitz). Apply BHAT™ to the integumentary system of your CPT manual then watch the corresponding Integumentary segment on the Review Blitz.
If you're already a member, please
watch the BHAT® Overview video in CCO Community.
Applying BHAT® to your CPT manual takes about 20+ hours so plan accordingly. As an example, if you're using it in conjunction with Medical Coding Review Blitz videos, we recommend you apply the BHAT™ to the section you are about to learn (i.e.. Integumentary Module in the Medical Coding...
We have a few methods we recommend, and it depends on whether you're taking a course with us or not. No method is better than the other. It depends on student preferences.
- Method 1: You can watch one Course Chapter, then watch the corresponding Blitz Chapter and complete the BHAT® method for the related chapter as well. Then move on to the next Chapter. For example, watch Radiology in Course and Blitz and BHAT® the Radiology section, then move on to the next one.
- Method 2: You can watch all Course chapters and complete the course in full. Next, proceed to the Blitz and watch one Blitz Chapter and complete the corresponding BHAT® method for the related chapter as well. When done, move on to the next Blitz chapter. This one is recommended for students that took a course elsewhere since they typically don't have access to that course any more.
- Method 3: You can watch all Course chapters and complete the course in full. Then watch all Blitz chapters and complete the Blitz in full. Then BHAT® your entire book in order. This is recommended for students that are comfortable with the material and prefer to mark up their manual as a background task while listening to a podcast or music. It doesn't promote learning as much as the other methods.
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