Daniel Twadell asked:
What does the AAPC mean by this in reference to the CRC exam? Do they give you access to AHAs Coding Clinic in the Exam Booklet and you demonstrate your knowledge this way?
No they do not give you coding clinic. What they mean is that they want you to be able to know how to use Coding Clinic. Since this is an expensive add on to most encoders a lot of people do not have it. do not fret though because it is not a matter of having access. The key is do you understand how to use it if you need to look up a code that has some gray guidance. You will not be asked about a specific code regarding the coding clinic.
At CCO we talk about the coding clinics quite a bit because we get questions that have answer in the coding clinics. You can see us using it in our YouTube channel often.
YouTube: Medicalcodingcert
What does the AAPC mean by this in reference to the CRC exam? Do they give you access to AHAs Coding Clinic in the Exam Booklet and you demonstrate your knowledge this way?
No they do not give you coding clinic. What they mean is that they want you to be able to know how to use Coding Clinic. Since this is an expensive add on to most encoders a lot of people do not have it. do not fret though because it is not a matter of having access. The key is do you understand how to use it if you need to look up a code that has some gray guidance. You will not be asked about a specific code regarding the coding clinic.
At CCO we talk about the coding clinics quite a bit because we get questions that have answer in the coding clinics. You can see us using it in our YouTube channel often.
YouTube: Medicalcodingcert
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