Review Reason Codes and Statements
CMS contractors medically review some claims (and prior authorizations) to ensure that payment is billed (or authorization requested) only for services that meet all Medicare rules. If the review results in a denied/non-affirmed decision, the review contractor provides a detailed denial/non-affirmed reason to the provider/supplier.Historically, Medicare review contractors (Medicare Administrative Contractors, Recovery Audit Contractors and the Supplemental Medical Review Contractor) developed and maintained individual lists of denial reason codes and statements. If you deal with multiple CMS contractors, understanding the many denial codes and statements can be hard. In 2015 CMS began to standardize the reason codes and statements for certain services. As a result, providers experience more continuity and claim denials are easier to understand.
A new set of Generic Reason codes and statements for Part A, Part B and DME have been added and approved for use across all Prior Authorization (PA), Claim reviews (including pre-pay and post-pay) and Pre-Claim reviews. These generic statements encompass common statements currently in use that have been leveraged from existing statements.
The current review reason codes and statements can be found below:
Reason Statements and Document (eMDR) Codes | CMS
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contractors medically review some claims and prior authorizations to ensure that payment is billed or authorization is requested only for services that meet all Medicare rules. If the review results in a denied/non-affirmed decision, the review...
Common Coding Denials and Adjustment Reasons You Need to Know
Claim denials fall into three categories: administrative, clinical, and policy—a majority of claim denials are due to administrative errors. Once you correct the errors, you can resubmit the claim to the insurance payer.For example, the diagnosis and procedure codes may be incorrect, or the patient identifier and/or provider identifier (NPI) is missing or incorrect. Let’s examine a few common claim denial codes, reasons and actions.
CO-4: The procedure code is inconsistent with the modifier used or the required modifier is missing for adjudication (the decision process). Use the appropriate modifier for that procedure. For example, some lab codes require the QW modifier.
CO-15: Payment adjusted because the submitted authorization number is missing, invalid, or does not apply to the billed services or provider. Resubmit the claim with the authorization number or valid authorization.
CO-50: Non-covered services that are not deemed a “medical necessity” by the payer. To avoid coding denials, when you use a CPT® code, you must also demonstrate that it is “reasonable and necessary” to diagnose or treat the patient’s medical condition. Medical necessity is based on “evidence-based clinical standards of care.” Check the diagnosis codes or bill to the patient.
CO-97: The payment was adjusted because the benefit for this service is included in the payment/allowance for another service/procedure that has already been adjudicated. Resubmit the claim with the appropriate modifier or accept the adjustment.
CO-167: The diagnosis (es) is (are) not covered. Review the diagnosis codes(s) to determine if another code(s) should have been used instead. Correct the diagnosis code(s) or bill the patient.
CO-222: Exceeds the contracted maximum number of hours, days and units allowed by the provider for this period.
CO-236: This procedure or procedure/modifier combination is not compatible with another procedure or procedure/modifier combination that was provided on the same day according to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) or workers compensation state regulations/fee schedule requirements. The service has been paid as part of another service you billed on the same date of service.
CO-B16: The payment was adjusted because “New Patient” qualifications were not met. Resubmit the claim(s) with the established patient visit.
OA-109: Claim not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim to the correct payer/contractor. Review coverage and resubmit the claim to the appropriate carrier.
PI-204: This service/equipment/drug is not covered under the patient’s current benefit plan. Bill the patient.
PR-1: Deductible amount. Bill to secondary insurance or bill the patient.
Currently, review reason codes and statements are available for the following services/programs:
- Ambulance Transport Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Generic Review Reason Codes and Statements (DME) (PDF)
- Generic Review Reason Codes and Statements (Part A) (PDF)
- Generic Review Reason Codes and Statements (Part B) (PDF)
- Home Blood Glucose Monitoring Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Home Health Services Pre-Claim Review Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Hospital Outpatient Department (HOPD) Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRF) Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Nebulizer Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Non Emergent Hyperbaric Oxygen Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)
- Therapy Reason Codes and Statements (PDF)

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