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DX K80.10, K66.0,Z53.31 Cpt 47605 mod 22,47562 mod 22,53
Does the doctor get paid for the discontinued services (47562)?
The patient is a gentleman who has had a stormy operative course over the last 4 to 5 months.
He presented in June of 2020 with a perforated duodenal ulcer that was treated by laparotomy using an omental patch.
Following that postoperative procedure, the closure of the duodenal perforation leaked, and the patient formed an intraabdominal abscess with associated septic shock. The abscess was drained in Interventional Radiology, and he was managed in the ICU on a ventilator with vasopressor support.
During that postoperative course, the patient became jaundiced with a bilirubin as high as 8.
Further evaluation showed the patient had gallstones with a common bile duct stone.
The gallbladder was drained via cholecystostomy tube .
ERCP with removal of the common bile duct stones and placement of an endo biliary stent was performed. The patient has now had his biliary stent removed. The cholecystostomy tube has been removed. He was seen in my office for consideration of cholecystectomy.
Does the doctor get paid for the discontinued services (47562)?
The patient is a gentleman who has had a stormy operative course over the last 4 to 5 months.
He presented in June of 2020 with a perforated duodenal ulcer that was treated by laparotomy using an omental patch.
Following that postoperative procedure, the closure of the duodenal perforation leaked, and the patient formed an intraabdominal abscess with associated septic shock. The abscess was drained in Interventional Radiology, and he was managed in the ICU on a ventilator with vasopressor support.
During that postoperative course, the patient became jaundiced with a bilirubin as high as 8.
Further evaluation showed the patient had gallstones with a common bile duct stone.
The gallbladder was drained via cholecystostomy tube .
ERCP with removal of the common bile duct stones and placement of an endo biliary stent was performed. The patient has now had his biliary stent removed. The cholecystostomy tube has been removed. He was seen in my office for consideration of cholecystectomy.