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No CCO has not yet scheduled that webinar as we were awaiting the final rule.
CCO has some E/M here:
As you may have heard, 2021 will be a year of change with the new E/M changes that are expected. In order to prepare you for the upcoming 2021 E/M Changes, we have made 2 of our E/M 2021 Q&A Webinars available to all students. Click Here to Access the Presentations in the Student Q&A Webinar area.
In addition, here are various resources about 2021 E/M Changes:
About Course Updates: The current course lectures are all based on 2020 materials that were provided by Elsevier, your textbook/workbook vendor. Elsevier is planning to update the textbook/workbook and release it on December 15, 2020. As soon as we receive the updated 2021 Instructor materials and exams, we will aggressively update the course for all students so they have essential E/M 2021 material available as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we have not been given an exact date for the release of these Instructor materials. As soon as we receive updates from Elsevier, we will update this thread accordingly. Note: some content unrelated to E/M 2021 may not change and will not require updates. You can read more about our Yearly Update Policy here.
What’s Changing for E/M Codes 99201-99215 in 2021? https://www.aapc.com/evaluation-management/em-codes-changes-2021.aspx#:~:text=The%202021%20guidelines%20also%20take,the%20risk%20of%20complications%20and%2F