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Resolved Free CEU presentations for January 2025


CCO Club Member
BHAT® Cave
1. Please can I just ask some advice, I'm trying to watch the free CEU presentations loaded under Jan 2025, but both show a message that the video was "reset" ? and I am not sure how to proceed
2. When will the CEU for ICD-11 post coordination be available? I cannot see the information
I also am unable to to find the CEU for both tonight's ICD-11 post coordination and the January on Value Based Coding. Also, I don't see any of my demographics to the left and I've been a CCO member for several years! They take funds out of my checking account every month. What happened? I know I have not been on for a long while, but started up last month again. Okay -- now I see my membership info to the left after I clicked to send. But it is missing that I'm a CCO Club Member and all my courses that I should always have access to. I am very frustrated when it stated I don't have access to CCO Community. Huh? I have the password for tonight's ICD-11, and I remember last month's didn't include a password. I watched both on Streamyard that came into my email. Please help! Oh no! I just looked back at my checking statements and the last one posted was this: What happened? No one contacted me to let me know there was a problem. Does that mean I've lost access to my previous courses? I never stopped. I didn't notice this. I'm upset as I really need access to my previous Medical Billing Course and the other ones I had.
[td]Withdrawal Debit Card Check Card CODINGCERTIFICATION.ORG 866-611-9642 FL[/td]
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I am extremely frustrated. I too cannot find where to enter the password to gain access to the CEU, the website is not intuitive at all, and the verbal instructions and slide send me to this site.
To get the CEUs, go to the EXAM TAB, and click on the link on left side of screen - I think it says Free CEU exam. It is set-up as if you were taking an exam. Enter the password as an "answer" to the exam. You should be able to immediately download a certificate.
I sent an email as well.
If you are trying to get the CEU: To get the CEUs, go to the EXAM TAB, and click on the link on left side of screen - I think it says Free CEU exam. It is set-up as if you were taking an exam. Enter the password as an "answer" to the exam. You should be able to immediately download a certificate.
1. Please can I just ask some advice, I'm trying to watch the free CEU presentations loaded under Jan 2025, but both show a message that the video was "reset" ? and I am not sure how to proceed
2. When will the CEU for ICD-11 post coordination be available? I cannot see the information
To get the CEUs, go to the EXAM TAB, and click on the link on left side of screen - I think it says Free CEU exam. It is set-up as if you were taking an exam. Enter the password as an "answer" to the exam. You should be able to immediately download a certificate.
I am extremely frustrated. I too cannot find where to enter the password to gain access to the CEU, the website is not intuitive at all, and the verbal instructions and slide send me to this site.
To get the CEUs, go to the EXAM TAB, and click on the link on left side of screen - I think it says Free CEU exam. It is set-up as if you were taking an exam. Enter the password as an "answer" to the exam. You should be able to immediately download a certificate.
I also am unable to to find the CEU for both tonight's ICD-11 post coordination and the January on Value Based Coding. Also, I don't see any of my demographics to the left and I've been a CCO member for several years! They take funds out of my checking account every month. What happened? I know I have not been on for a long while, but started up last month again. Okay -- now I see my membership info to the left after I clicked to send. But it is missing that I'm a CCO Club Member and all my courses that I should always have access to. I am very frustrated when it stated I don't have access to CCO Community. Huh? I have the password for tonight's ICD-11, and I remember last month's didn't include a password. I watched both on Streamyard that came into my email. Please help! Oh no! I just looked back at my checking statements and the last one posted was this: What happened? No one contacted me to let me know there was a problem. Does that mean I've lost access to my previous courses? I never stopped. I didn't notice this. I'm upset as I really need access to my previous Medical Billing Course and the other ones I had.

[td]Withdrawal Debit Card Check Card CODINGCERTIFICATION.ORG 866-611-9642 FL[/td]


To get the CEUs, go to the EXAM TAB, and click on the link on left side of screen - I think it says Free CEU exam. It is set-up as if you were taking an exam. Enter the password as an "answer" to the exam. You should be able to immediately download a certificate.
I do get the QUIZ , I am looking for the presentation itself.
The presentations can always be found inside the CCO Club Replay area here: https://www.cco.community/resources/

The events are below...

They are not instantly added after an event. We need a few days to prepare them for the Club and upload them for viewing.
I registered to attend the webinar on January 30th, but I wasn't able to attend live. However, did watch the video but not password was given being that there was no live chat available. How do I get the password to input into the exam question?

thank you
I registered to attend the webinar on January 30th, but I wasn't able to attend live. However, did watch the video but not password was given being that there was no live chat available. How do I get the password to input into the exam question?

thank you
The CEU can only be claimed while attending live due to strict AAPC CEU policy.
Yay! I just got my CEU! I did have to rewatch the ICD-11 Postcoordination video in order to correctly answer the 10 Quiz questions, but it was worth reviewing it again. Thank you for both reinstating me and the ability to watch these videos and receive CEUs. Much appreciation! I'll go back to do the others later now that I have access.