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Resolved Help coding Procedure-Flap


New member
Help coding this procedure Please.


1. Trapezius advancement flap closure of back x 2

2. Excisional debridement measuring 14 x 6 cm skin, soft tissue, muscle, fascia and bone.

3. Adjacent tissue transfer 20 x 15 cm upper back.

4. Bilateral paraspinal muscle advancement flaps


After informed consent was verified, the patient was taken to the operating room. Preoperative

antibiotics were administered and sequential compression devices were placed on bilateral lower

extremities. General endotracheal anesthesia was induced without difficulty and the patient was then

placed in a prone position. The skin was clipped of all hair, prepped and draped in usual sterile

fashion. Timeout among operating room staff was then performed. The existing wound was

completely debrided of all devitalized tissue and copious irrigation with warm normal saline was

performed. The midline skin was then incised proximally and distally through the subcutaneous

tissue down to the paraspinal muscle fascia and elevated in the suprafascial plane bilaterally to allow

mobilization of this layer to the midline without tension. The paraspinal muscles were identified by

incising the thoracolumbar fascia. Then, we debrided the spinous processes, which were prominent

with rongeurs. I released the paraspinal muscles laterally to allow these to fall over the spinous

processes. This was done bilaterally with figure-of-eight 0 Vicryl sutures. This was reapproximated

without any tension. Then, I elevated the skin and soft tissue flaps off of the trapezius muscle and

further release the trapezius muscles to allow tension-free repair in the midline. This was done

bilaterally and the trapezius flaps were released and reapproximated in the midline using 0 Vicryl

suture. I continued to obtain meticulous hemostasis and elevating the skin soft tissue flaps

lateraly. One 19-French JP drain was used to run between the skin and soft tissue as well as

underneath the trapezius flaps. Once this was done, once again the wound was copiously irrigated.

The skin soft tissue flaps were advanced and the superficial fascial system was reapproximated

with 0 Vicryl sutures Then, 3-0 Monocryl sutures were used for interrupted deep dermal layer.

Then, a 2-0 Prolene suture was used to reapproximate the skin. The drain was sutured into place

with a 2-0 nylon suture. Biopatch and Tegaderm dressings were applied to the drain site. All

instrument, sponge and needle counts were correct. The patient was taken to the postoperative

anesthesia unit in stable dentition. Neck brace was applied.
Help coding this procedure Please.


1. Trapezius advancement flap closure of back x 2

2. Excisional debridement measuring 14 x 6 cm skin, soft tissue, muscle, fascia and bone.

3. Adjacent tissue transfer 20 x 15 cm upper back.

4. Bilateral paraspinal muscle advancement flaps


After informed consent was verified, the patient was taken to the operating room. Preoperative

antibiotics were administered and sequential compression devices were placed on bilateral lower

extremities. General endotracheal anesthesia was induced without difficulty and the patient was then

placed in a prone position. The skin was clipped of all hair, prepped and draped in usual sterile

fashion. Timeout among operating room staff was then performed. The existing wound was

completely debrided of all devitalized tissue and copious irrigation with warm normal saline was

performed. The midline skin was then incised proximally and distally through the subcutaneous

tissue down to the paraspinal muscle fascia and elevated in the suprafascial plane bilaterally to allow

mobilization of this layer to the midline without tension. The paraspinal muscles were identified by

incising the thoracolumbar fascia. Then, we debrided the spinous processes, which were prominent

with rongeurs. I released the paraspinal muscles laterally to allow these to fall over the spinous

processes. This was done bilaterally with figure-of-eight 0 Vicryl sutures. This was reapproximated

without any tension. Then, I elevated the skin and soft tissue flaps off of the trapezius muscle and

further release the trapezius muscles to allow tension-free repair in the midline. This was done

bilaterally and the trapezius flaps were released and reapproximated in the midline using 0 Vicryl

suture. I continued to obtain meticulous hemostasis and elevating the skin soft tissue flaps

lateraly. One 19-French JP drain was used to run between the skin and soft tissue as well as

underneath the trapezius flaps. Once this was done, once again the wound was copiously irrigated.

The skin soft tissue flaps were advanced and the superficial fascial system was reapproximated

with 0 Vicryl sutures Then, 3-0 Monocryl sutures were used for interrupted deep dermal layer.

Then, a 2-0 Prolene suture was used to reapproximate the skin. The drain was sutured into place

with a 2-0 nylon suture. Biopatch and Tegaderm dressings were applied to the drain site. All

instrument, sponge and needle counts were correct. The patient was taken to the postoperative

anesthesia unit in stable dentition. Neck brace was applied.
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