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I Am In Need Of Help Passing My Test This Will Be My 3rd Time

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Staff member
CCO Admin asked:

Hi everyone I am in need of HELP passing my test this will be my 3rd time


I have worked with students who have taken their exam multiple times and I have found that a few issues remain constant.

1. Overthinking /over-analyzing answers. Try and read the question and then underline exactly what the question is asking you. Did you do the Blitz and learn the process of elimination? Key in on words like "with" or "without" etc...
2. Keep doing your practice exams to improve on your timing and familiarize yourself with how the questions are presented. This is key.
3. If you have experience in healthcare; leave that knowledge behind you and work from a clean slate. Keep payer rules out of the CPC exam. Medicare and AMA vary in many of their guidelines. Stick to the CPT manual / AMA rules only for the exam. Medicare may require an RT and LT for a bilateral procedure but CPT states they only use modifier 50.
4. Do not cram the night before. Rest your brain. If you do not know the material by now; cramming the night before makes you less sharp and efficient the next day. It is scientifically proven. So get a good nights rest before the exam.
5. DO NOT BE NERVOUS! Look at the exam as a challenge but also an exciting puzzle or game. What is the worst thing that can happen? You retake it again.
6. Do not punish yourself if you do not do well. Many excellent students and experienced coders have incredible knowledge but are not comfortable at test taking.
7. Do not focus on how much time you have left during the test. Follow the suggestions in the CPC Blitz on how to move through the exam and how to mark the ones you need to return to.
8. If you are stuck on a CPT question and it involves the ICD-10-CM coding as well; find the correct diagnosis code.
9. There is a worksheet to become proficient in E/M through CCO. Work it until it comes easy to you.
10. Know your modifiers- in both your CPT manual AND the modifiers in your HCPCS manual (i.e. anesthesia modifiers are in HCPCS)
11. Your manuals have pictures of the anatomy if you are stuck on a coding question and cannot visualize what or where the procedure is being performed. If not all parts of the shoulder or digestive tract are in your manual- add lines and put in additional descriptions.
12. Marking up your manuals really helps you tremendously. You NEED to mark up the books and understand what the code descriptions mean.
13. Lastly; there are three words to completely prepare you for the CPC exam: GUIDELINES GUIDELINES GUIDELINES. You can be assured that the majority of questions will point you to a parenthetical note or guidelines in your manuals. You need to know how to look up the guidelines when you answer questions.
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