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I Am Just Wondering If Becoming Certified Tumor Registrat It Will Help To Find A Position For Newly Certified Coder :-/ ?

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CCO Admin asked:

I am just wondering if becoming certified tumor registrat it will help to find a position for newly certified coder :-/ ?


That is a great area of study. I really enjoyed looking into it and wanted to pursue it a few years back. To be honest it will not help you get a job as a coder however; it is a great area to be certified. Know that even though it looks similar it is very different. The books are free if I remember. I would get them and study especially if oncology is an area you are interested in. Now; if you want to get into oncology coding (and there is a specialty cert for that) that would help. They do a lot of education on the disease process on the cellular level. Pretty awesome stuff really.

So my advise would be if it interests you go for it as it makes you more marketable. If you want to do it to get a job in coding it is not going to help.

If you want a job faster in coding look into Risk Adjustment. There is a big demand right now. In fact there is a job posting for CPCs and CRCs in our club forum now for RA remote work and they are willing to train new coders.
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