New member
6/1/21 MARKS DAY 1 CERTIFIED!!! This has truly been a journey. I have taken this test and failed 5 times “BUT GOD” My 6th attempt I PASSED.
🗣 CPC Certified Sign Sealed and Delivered. To GOD be the glory!!!

I felt more embarrassed each time that I failed so this time I didn’t tell anyone that I was taking the test except my husband. I managed to finish my test with 4 mins left on part 1 and 12mins left on part 2 after running out of time with 20 or more questions left on each test that I’ve taken in the past. God said that this time was my time.

This last time was enough to make me give up right in the middle of my trying with all of the push back I received even lost internet connection with only 10 mins left on part 1 of my 2 hour and 45 mins test and had to repeat the entire test all over again plus take part 2 which was also 2 hours and 45mins BUT I persevered and pushed thru. This may help somebody! I have 3 small babies under 5 years old. 11 mths, 3yrs and 4yrs, Please hang in there and don’t give up your time is coming no matter what you have on your plate, how long it takes, or how many tries
you WILL SUCCEED. Won’t He do it!! It’s only UP from here!!! LETS GO!!! Thank you everyone who prayed for me and encouraged me. A very special thank you to my cousin Kisha Koder for all your support and encouragement love you for that chic! I couldn’t have done it without CCO!