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I Saw ICD-11 Is Coming Out. How Long Do I Have To Pass The Test Until This Comes Out ?

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CCO Admin asked:

I saw ICD-11 is coming out how long do I have to pass the test until this comes out ?


ICD-11 have been talked about for many years. Keep in mind that the rest of the world had been using ICD-10 long before the USA. Then when we decided to use it an act of congress stopped it for an additional year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been working on ICD-11 and you can go to their website to get more information. Here it is in draft form: <https://icd.who.int/dev11/l-m/en>

The key is that you will only find it in Draft form and it is still being Beta tested in the rest of the world. ICD-11 will NOT come to the USA any time soon.

do not fret over it at all. When it does arrive you will have plenty of warning. In addition it is so close to ICD-10 that you will not find the transition difficult like ICD-9 was to ICD-10.

Here is an excellent [slide deck](https://www.ncvhs.hhs.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Pickett-Status-of-ICD-11-v2-feb-17-2016-revised.pdf) done by Donna Pickett you might find helpful.
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