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Resolved ICD-10-CM code I69-


CCO Club Member
BHAT® Cave
CCO Intern
I69- Sequelae of Cerebrovascular Disease

The I69- category includes the codes which are used to indicate the conditions specified in the category of codes 160-167 as the cause of sequelae. Sequelae are specified as "late effects" of the conditions which may arise after the onset of the causal conditions. These "late effects" are the neurological deficits caused by cerebrovascular disease which may either present from the onset or may arise after the onset of the disease.
From the I69- category, the codes which specify hemiplegia, hemiparesis and monoplegia we should identify whether dominant or non-dominant side is effected. As we should document the effected side even though the dominant and non-dominant side is not mentioned, the code selection should be as follows:
  • Ambidextrous patients, default- dominant
  • Left side is effected, default-non dominant
  • Right side is effected, default-dominant