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Resolved Modifier 92 or 91


CCO Club Member
BHAT® Cave
CCO Intern

Is modifer 92 or 91 for HIV kits?

Answer Thread:

Thanks Debra!!

CPT Modifier 91 is Repeat Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test - so that is not what you're looking for.

CPT Modifier 92 is Alternative Laboratory Platform Testing - that is the one you want


Here is a great presentation I found in doing some research you may be interested
HIV/AIDS Care: The Service (CPT) Code Series

This is what it has to say about modifier 92:
Modifier 92 - Alternative Laboratory Platform Testing With current CDC recommendations on routine testing and the move toward HIV testing as a routine part of care, more providers may use rapid test kits. Several of these are CLIA-waived and suitable for use in physician offices. The following is the CPT guidance for use of this modifier: “When laboratory testing is being performed using a kit or transportable instrument that wholly or in part consists of a single use, disposable analytical chamber, the service may be identified by adding modifier 92 to the usual laboratory procedure code (HIV testing 86701-86703).” • Only report with Path/Lab test codes (86701-86703, G0433- G0435) • Do NOT report on any other code type • Do NOT report with HCPCS codes • Contact your local Medicaid agency for specific guidance

Thanks Debra!!

CPT Modifier 91 is Repeat Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test - so that is not what you're looking for.

CPT Modifier 92 is Alternative Laboratory Platform Testing - that is the one you want


Here is a great presentation I found in doing some research you may be interested
HIV/AIDS Care: The Service (CPT) Code Series

This is what it has to say about modifier 92:

Thank you!!!!