Q7. To which drugs does the policy apply? How can a provider or supplier identify a drug that must be billed using the JW or JZ modifier?
A7. In general, the JW and JZ modifier policy applies to all drugs separately payable under Medicare Part B that are described as being supplied in a “single-dose” container or “single-use” package based on FDA-approved labeling. The use of these modifiers is not appropriate for drugs that are from multipledose containers.
Even if a drug is excluded from the definition of “refundable single-dose container or single-use package drug” (and not subject to the discarded drug refund), for example, multiple source drugs, claims for such drugs furnished from a single-dose container are still required to use the JW and JZ modifiers.
Generally, in the physician office, all drugs paid incident to a physician service are separately payable under Medicare Part B. Therefore, in general, all such drugs that are described as being supplied in a “single-dose” container or “single-use” package are subject to the JW and JZ modifier in the physician office.
In the hospital outpatient department and the Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC), only the separately payable drugs are subject to the JW and JZ modifier requirement. Please see below under “Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment System.
”The JW and JZ modifiers apply to separately payable single-dose drugs administered in the ESRD setting that are not renal dialysis service drugs or biological products provided for the treatment of ESRD. Either the JW or JZ modifier is reported in conjunction with the AY modifier.
The JW and JZ modifier policy does not apply for drugs that are not separately payable, such as packaged OPPS or ASC drugs, or drugs administered in the FQHC or RHC setting.
The JW and JZ modifiers are not required for vaccines described under section 1861(s)(10) of the Act that are furnished from single-dose containers. Since the influenza, pneumococcal, and COVID–19 vaccines, specified in section 1861(s)(10) of the Act, are often roster billed by mass immunizers, and roster billing cannot accommodate modifiers, it would be impractical to require the JW and JZ modifiers for such vaccines. Such a requirement would likely result in substantial operational issues for mass immunizers and impair patient access to these vaccines.