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Resource OBGYN Coding

15. Chapter 15: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium
a. General Rules for Obstetric Cases
1) Codes from chapter 15 and sequencing priority
Obstetric cases require codes from chapter 15, codes in the range O00-
O9A, Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium. Chapter 15 codes have
sequencing priority over codes from other chapters. Additional codes
from other chapters may be used in conjunction with chapter 15 codes to
further specify conditions. Should the provider document that the
pregnancy is incidental to the encounter, then code Z33.1, Pregnant state,
incidental, should be used in place of any chapter 15 codes. It is the
provider’s responsibility to state that the condition being treated is not
affecting the pregnancy.
2) Chapter 15 codes used only on the maternal record
Chapter 15 codes are to be used only on the maternal record, never on
the record of the newborn.
3) Final character for trimester
The majority of codes in Chapter 15 have a final character indicating the
trimester of pregnancy. The timeframes for the trimesters are indicated at
the beginning of the chapter. If trimester is not a component of a code, it
is because the condition always occurs in a specific trimester, or the
concept of trimester of pregnancy is not applicable. Certain codes have
characters for only certain trimesters because the condition does not
occur in all trimesters, but it may occur in more than just one.
Assignment of the final character for trimester should be based on the
provider’s documentation of the trimester (or number of weeks) for the
current admission/encounter. This applies to the assignment of trimester
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for pre-existing conditions as well as those that develop during or are due
to the pregnancy. The provider’s documentation of the number of weeks
may be used to assign the appropriate code identifying the trimester.
Whenever delivery occurs during the current admission, and there is an
“in childbirth” option for the obstetric complication being coded, the “in
childbirth” code should be assigned. When the classification does not
provide an obstetric code with an “in childbirth” option, it is
appropriate to assign a code describing the current trimester.
4) Selection of trimester for inpatient admissions that encompass
more than one trimester
In instances when a patient is admitted to a hospital for complications of
pregnancy during one trimester and remains in the hospital into a
subsequent trimester, the trimester character for the antepartum
complication code should be assigned on the basis of the trimester when
the complication developed, not the trimester of the discharge. If the
condition developed prior to the current admission/encounter or
represents a pre-existing condition, the trimester character for the
trimester at the time of the admission/encounter should be assigned.
5) Unspecified trimester
Each category that includes codes for trimester has a code for
“unspecified trimester.” The “unspecified trimester” code should rarely
be used, such as when the documentation in the record is insufficient to
determine the trimester and it is not possible to obtain clarification.
6) 7th character for Fetus Identification
Where applicable, a 7th character is to be assigned for certain categories
(O31, O32, O33.3 - O33.6, O35, O36, O40, O41, O60.1, O60.2, O64,
and O69) to identify the fetus for which the complication code applies.
Assign 7th character “0”:
• For single gestations
• When the documentation in the record is insufficient to determine
the fetus affected and it is not possible to obtain clarification.
• When it is not possible to clinically determine which fetus is
b. Selection of OB Principal or First-listed Diagnosis
1) Routine outpatient prenatal visits
For routine outpatient prenatal visits when no complications are present,
a code from category Z34, Encounter for supervision of normal
pregnancy, should be used as the first-listed diagnosis. These codes
should not be used in conjunction with chapter 15 codes.
2) Supervision of High-Risk Pregnancy
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Codes from category O09, Supervision of high-risk pregnancy, are
intended for use only during the prenatal period. For complications
during the labor or delivery episode as a result of a high-risk pregnancy,
assign the applicable complication codes from Chapter 15. If there are no
complications during the labor or delivery episode, assign code O80,
Encounter for full-term uncomplicated delivery.
For routine prenatal outpatient visits for patients with high-risk
pregnancies, a code from category O09, Supervision of high-risk
pregnancy, should be used as the first-listed diagnosis. Secondary
chapter 15 codes may be used in conjunction with these codes if
3) Episodes when no delivery occurs
In episodes when no delivery occurs, the principal diagnosis should
correspond to the principal complication of the pregnancy which
necessitated the encounter. Should more than one complication exist, all
of which are treated or monitored, any of the complication codes may be
sequenced first.
4) When a delivery occurs
When an obstetric patient is admitted and delivers during that admission,
the condition that prompted the admission should be sequenced as the
principal diagnosis. If multiple conditions prompted the admission,
sequence the one most related to the delivery as the principal diagnosis.
A code for any complication of the delivery should be assigned as an
additional diagnosis. In cases of cesarean delivery, if the patient was
admitted with a condition that resulted in the performance of a cesarean
procedure, that condition should be selected as the principal diagnosis. If
the reason for the admission was unrelated to the condition resulting in
the cesarean delivery, the condition related to the reason for the
admission should be selected as the principal diagnosis.
5) Outcome of delivery
A code from category Z37, Outcome of delivery, should be included on
every maternal record when a delivery has occurred. These codes are not
to be used on subsequent records or on the newborn record.
c. Pre-existing conditions versus conditions due to the pregnancy
Certain categories in Chapter 15 distinguish between conditions of the mother
that existed prior to pregnancy (pre-existing) and those that are a direct result of
pregnancy. When assigning codes from Chapter 15, it is important to assess if a
condition was pre-existing prior to pregnancy or developed during or due to the
pregnancy in order to assign the correct code.
Categories that do not distinguish between pre-existing and pregnancy-related
conditions may be used for either. It is acceptable to use codes specifically for
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the puerperium with codes complicating pregnancy and childbirth if a condition
arises postpartum during the delivery encounter.
d. Pre-existing hypertension in pregnancy
Category O10, Pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and
the puerperium, includes codes for hypertensive heart and hypertensive chronic
kidney disease. When assigning one of the O10 codes that includes hypertensive
heart disease or hypertensive chronic kidney disease, it is necessary to add a
secondary code from the appropriate hypertension category to specify the type
of heart failure or chronic kidney disease.
See Section I.C.9. Hypertension.
e. Fetal Conditions Affecting the Management of the Mother
1) Codes from categories O35 and O36
Codes from categories O35, Maternal care for known or suspected fetal
abnormality and damage, and O36, Maternal care for other fetal
problems, are assigned only when the fetal condition is actually
responsible for modifying the management of the mother, i.e., by
requiring diagnostic studies, additional observation, special care, or
termination of pregnancy. The fact that the fetal condition exists does not
justify assigning a code from this series to the mother’s record.
2) In utero surgery
In cases when surgery is performed on the fetus, a diagnosis code from
category O35, Maternal care for known or suspected fetal abnormality
and damage, should be assigned identifying the fetal condition. Assign
the appropriate procedure code for the procedure performed.
No code from Chapter 16, the perinatal codes, should be used on the
mother’s record to identify fetal conditions. Surgery performed in utero
on a fetus is still to be coded as an obstetric encounter.
f. HIV Infection in Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium
During pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, a patient admitted because of an
HIV-related illness should receive a principal diagnosis from subcategory
O98.7-, Human immunodeficiency [HIV] disease complicating pregnancy,
childbirth and the puerperium, followed by the code(s) for the HIV-related
Patients with asymptomatic HIV infection status admitted during pregnancy,
childbirth, or the puerperium should receive codes of O98.7- and Z21,
Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status.
g. Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
Diabetes mellitus is a significant complicating factor in pregnancy. Pregnant
patients who are diabetic should be assigned a code from category O24,
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Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium, first, followed
by the appropriate diabetes code(s) (E08-E13) from Chapter 4.
h. Long term use of insulin and oral hypoglycemics
See section I.C.4.a.3 for information on the long-term use of insulin and oral
i. Gestational (pregnancy induced) diabetes
Gestational (pregnancy induced) diabetes can occur during the second and third
trimester of pregnancy in patients who were not diabetic prior to pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes can cause complications in the pregnancy similar to those
of pre-existing diabetes mellitus. It also puts the patient at greater risk of
developing diabetes after the pregnancy.
Codes for gestational diabetes are in subcategory O24.4, Gestational diabetes
mellitus. No other code from category O24, Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy,
childbirth, and the puerperium, should be used with a code from O24.4.
The codes under subcategory O24.4 include diet controlled, insulin controlled,
and controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs. If a patient with gestational diabetes
is treated with both diet and insulin, only the code for insulin-controlled is
required. If a patient with gestational diabetes is treated with both diet and oral
hypoglycemic medications, only the code for "controlled by oral hypoglycemic
drugs" is required. Code Z79.4, Long-term (current) use of insulin or code
Z79.84, Long-term (current) use of oral hypoglycemic drugs, should not be
assigned with codes from subcategory O24.4.
An abnormal glucose tolerance in pregnancy is assigned a code from
subcategory O99.81, Abnormal glucose complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and
the puerperium.
j. Sepsis and septic shock complicating abortion, pregnancy,
childbirth and the puerperium
When assigning a chapter 15 code for sepsis complicating abortion, pregnancy,
childbirth, and the puerperium, a code for the specific type of infection should
be assigned as an additional diagnosis. If severe sepsis is present, a code from
subcategory R65.2, Severe sepsis, and code(s) for associated organ
dysfunction(s) should also be assigned as additional diagnoses.
k. Puerperal sepsis
Code O85, Puerperal sepsis, should be assigned with a secondary code to
identify the causal organism (e.g., for a bacterial infection, assign a code from
category B95-B96, Bacterial infections in conditions classified elsewhere). A
code from category A40, Streptococcal sepsis, or A41, Other sepsis, should not
be used for puerperal sepsis. If applicable, use additional codes to identify
severe sepsis (R65.2-) and any associated acute organ dysfunction.
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Code O85 should not be assigned for sepsis following an obstetrical procedure
(See Section I.C.1.d.5.b., Sepsis due to a postprocedural infection).
l. Alcohol, tobacco and drug use during pregnancy, childbirth and
the puerperium
1) Alcohol use during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Codes under subcategory O99.31, Alcohol use complicating pregnancy,
childbirth, and the puerperium, should be assigned for any pregnancy
case when a patient uses alcohol during the pregnancy or postpartum. A
secondary code from category F10, Alcohol related disorders, should
also be assigned to identify manifestations of the alcohol use.
2) Tobacco use during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Codes under subcategory O99.33, Smoking (tobacco) complicating
pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium, should be assigned for any
pregnancy case when a patient uses any type of tobacco product during
the pregnancy or postpartum.
A secondary code from category F17, Nicotine dependence, should also
be assigned to identify the type of nicotine dependence.
3) Drug use during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
Codes under subcategory O99.32, Drug use complicating pregnancy,
childbirth, and the puerperium, should be assigned for any pregnancy
case when a patient uses drugs during the pregnancy or postpartum. This
can involve illegal drugs, or inappropriate use or abuse of prescription
drugs. Secondary code(s) from categories F11-F16 and F18-F19 should
also be assigned to identify manifestations of the drug use.
m. Poisoning, toxic effects, adverse effects and underdosing in a
pregnant patient
A code from subcategory O9A.2, Injury, poisoning and certain other
consequences of external causes complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the
puerperium, should be sequenced first, followed by the appropriate injury,
poisoning, toxic effect, adverse effect or underdosing code, and then the
additional code(s) that specifies the condition caused by the poisoning, toxic
effect, adverse effect or underdosing.
See Section I.C.19. Adverse effects, poisoning, underdosing and toxic effects.
n. Normal Delivery, Code O80
1) Encounter for full term uncomplicated delivery
Code O80 should be assigned when a patient is admitted for a full-term
normal delivery and delivers a single, healthy infant without any
complications antepartum, during the delivery, or postpartum during the
delivery episode. Code O80 is always a principal diagnosis. It is not to be
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used if any other code from chapter 15 is needed to describe a current
complication of the antenatal, delivery, or postnatal period. Additional
codes from other chapters may be used with code O80 if they are not
related to or are in any way complicating the pregnancy.
2) Uncomplicated delivery with resolved antepartum complication
Code O80 may be used if the patient had a complication at some point
during the pregnancy, but the complication is not present at the time of
the admission for delivery.
3) Outcome of delivery for O80
Z37.0, Single live birth, is the only outcome of delivery code appropriate
for use with O80.
o. The Peripartum and Postpartum Periods
1) Peripartum and Postpartum periods
The postpartum period begins immediately after delivery and continues
for six weeks following delivery. The peripartum period is defined as the
last month of pregnancy to five months postpartum.
2) Peripartum and postpartum complication
A postpartum complication is any complication occurring within the sixweek period.
3) Pregnancy-related complications after 6-week period
Chapter 15 codes may also be used to describe pregnancy-related
complications after the peripartum or postpartum period if the provider
documents that a condition is pregnancy related.
4) Admission for routine postpartum care following delivery
outside hospital
When the mother delivers outside the hospital prior to admission and is
admitted for routine postpartum care and no complications are noted,
code Z39.0, Encounter for care and examination of mother immediately
after delivery, should be assigned as the principal diagnosis.
5) Pregnancy associated cardiomyopathy
Pregnancy associated cardiomyopathy, code O90.3, is unique in that it
may be diagnosed in the third trimester of pregnancy but may continue to
progress months after delivery. For this reason, it is referred to as
peripartum cardiomyopathy. Code O90.3 is only for use when the
cardiomyopathy develops as a result of pregnancy in a patient who did
not have pre-existing heart disease.
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p. Code O94, Sequelae of complication of pregnancy, childbirth, and
the puerperium
1) Code O94
Code O94, Sequelae of complication of pregnancy, childbirth, and the
puerperium, is for use in those cases when an initial complication of a
pregnancy develops a sequela or sequelae requiring care or treatment at
a future date.
2) After the initial postpartum period
This code may be used at any time after the initial postpartum period.
3) Sequencing of Code O94
This code, like all sequela codes, is to be sequenced following the code
describing the sequelae of the complication.
q. Termination of Pregnancy and Spontaneous abortions
1) Abortion with Liveborn Fetus
When an attempted termination of pregnancy results in a liveborn fetus,
assign code Z33.2, Encounter for elective termination of pregnancy and a
code from category Z37, Outcome of Delivery.
2) Retained Products of Conception following an abortion
Subsequent encounters for retained products of conception following a
spontaneous abortion or elective termination of pregnancy, without
complications are assigned O03.4, Incomplete spontaneous abortion
without complication, or code O07.4, Failed attempted termination of
pregnancy without complication. This advice is appropriate even when
the patient was discharged previously with a discharge diagnosis of
complete abortion. If the patient has a specific complication associated
with the spontaneous abortion or elective termination of pregnancy in
addition to retained products of conception, assign the appropriate
complication code (e.g., O03.-, O04.-, O07.-) instead of code O03.4 or
3) Complications leading to abortion
Codes from Chapter 15 may be used as additional codes to identify any
documented complications of the pregnancy in conjunction with codes in
categories in O04, O07 and O08.
r. Abuse in a pregnant patient
For suspected or confirmed cases of abuse of a pregnant patient, a code(s) from
subcategories O9A.3, Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and
the puerperium, O9A.4, Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and
the puerperium, and O9A.5, Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy,
childbirth, and the puerperium, should be sequenced first, followed by the
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appropriate codes (if applicable) to identify any associated current injury due to
physical abuse, sexual abuse, and the perpetrator of abuse.
See Section I.C.19. Adult and child abuse, neglect and other maltreatment.
s. COVID-19 infection in pregnancy, childbirth, and the
During pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, when COVID-19 is the reason
for admission/encounter , code O98.5-, Other viral diseases complicating
pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, should be sequenced as the
principal/first-listed diagnosis, and code U07.1, COVID-19, and the appropriate
codes for associated manifestation(s) should be assigned as additional diagnoses.
Codes from Chapter 15 always take sequencing priority.
If the reason for admission/encounter is unrelated to COVID-19 but the patient
tests positive for COVID-19 during the admission/encounter, the appropriate
code for the reason for admission/encounter should be sequenced as the
principal/first-listed diagnosis, and codes O98.5- and U07.1, as well as the
appropriate codes for associated COVID-19 manifestations, should be assigned
as additional diagnoses.


What is or is not included for Billing Guidelines Ob/Gyn Global (2021)​

List of includes/excludes.

Global/Non-Global, Obstetrical Service.

1. Antepartum care

2. Delivery services

3. Postpartum care

1. Global OB Care

2. Non-global OB care or partial services

Services Included In Global Obstetrical Package

  • Routine prenatal visits until delivery, after the first three antepartum visits.
  • Recording of weight, blood pressures, and fetal heart tones.
  • Admission to the hospital including history and physical.
  • Inpatient (E/M) service provided within 24 hours of delivery.
  • Management of uncomplicated labor.
  • Vaginal or cesarean section delivery.
  • Delivery of placenta (CPT code 59414).
  • Administration/induction of intravenous oxytocin (CPT code 96365-96367).
  • Insertion of a cervical dilator on the same date as delivery (CPT code 59200).
  • Repair of first or second-degree lacerations .
  • A simple removal of cerclage (not under anesthesia).
  • Uncomplicated inpatient visits following delivery
  • Routine outpatient E/M services provided within 42 days following delivery.
  • Postpartum care after vaginal or cesarean section delivery (CPT code 59430).

Services Excluded From The Global Obstetrical Package

The following services are excluded from the global OB package (CPT codes 59400, 59510, 59610, 59618) and may be reported separately.
  • First three antepartum E&M visits
  • Laboratory tests
  • Maternal or fetal echography procedures (CPT codes 76801, 76802, 76805, 76810, 76811, 76812, 76813, 76814, 76815, 76816, 76817, 76820, 76821, 76825, 76826, 76827 and 76828)
  • Amniocentesis, any method (CPT codes 59000 or 59001)
  • Amniofusion (CPT code 59070)
  • Chorionic villus sampling (CPT code 59015)
  • Fetal contraction stress test (CPT code 59020)
  • Fetal non-stress test (CPT code 59025)
  • External cephalic version (CPT code 59412)
  • Insertion of cervical dilator (CPT code 59200) more than 24 hr before delivery
  • E&M services which is unrelated to the pregnancy (e.g. UTI, Asthma) during antepartum or postpartum care.
  • Additional E/M visits for complications or high-risk monitoring resulting in greater than the typical 13 antepartum visits. However, these E/M services should not be reported until after the patient delivers. Append modifier 25 to identify these visits as separately identifiable from routine antepartum visits.
  • Inpatient E/M services provided more than 24 hrs before the delivery
  • Management of surgical problems arising during pregnancy (e.g. Cholecystectomy, appendicitis, ruptured uterus)
Learn about Prenatal & Postpartum care.

Understanding Terms for OBGYN.

What are the stages of pregnancy & childbirth.

• Pregnancy — the period of time between conception and delivery in which a fetus develops inside the uterus. This time is divided into trimesters.
• Childbirth — begins with the true onset of labor and ends after the delivery of the baby and placenta. This is divided into three stages for vaginal deliveries.
• Puerperium — the approximately 6-week period after delivery when the mother’s body readjusts to a non-pregnant state.
• Products of conception — tissues that develop during pregnancy, such as fetal tissue, placenta tissue, etc.
• Ectopic pregnancy — a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus.
• Abortion — the premature passing of the products of conception, typically prior to 20 weeks (may be induced or spontaneous).
• Perinatal — the period of time before birth through the 28th day following birth.
• Congenital — a condition that is present from birth.
• Gestational age — the age, reported in weeks, of the developing fetus. This begins on the first day of the mother’s last menstrual period and ends at birth (~40 weeks).
• A missed abortion is a type of miscarriage, also referred to as a delayed miscarriage.
• A spontaneous abortion is a spontaneous loss of the fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy, also referred to as a miscarriage.
• A threatened abortion refers to a hemorrhage in early pregnancy, also referred to as a threatened miscarriage.

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Mini guide for OBGYN.
Great cheat sheet.
Download a copy here.

Maternity Obstetrical Care Medical Billing & Coding Guide for 2023
  • Different types of services rendered
  • The global maternity care package: what services are included and excluded?
  • The split OB packages
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • High-risk patients
  • CPT definitions
  • And much more

Learn how to code multiple births:
Great cheat sheet.
Download a copy here.

Global Maternity & Multiple Births Coding & Billing Quick Reference Guide

OB global codes include 59400, 59510, 59610 and 59618. These include all care from antepartum through delivery and postpartum care.

  • 59400 – Routine obstetric care for vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps), including antepartum and postpartum care.
  • 59510 – Routine obstetric care for cesarean section delivery, including antepartum and postpartum care.
  • 59610 – Routine obstetric care for vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps) after cesarean delivery, including antepartum and postpartum care.
  • 59618 – Routine obstetric care for cesarean delivery following attempted vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery, including antepartum and postpartum care.
The total obstetrical care package includes the provision of antepartum care, delivery services, and postpartum care. When the same group physician and/or health care professional provides all components of the OB package, report the Global OB package code.

When you use a global code, you can’t bill separate evaluation and management (E/M) codes for individual parts of maternity care. However, you can bill separately if the mother’s insurance coverage changes during the pregnancy or if another physician cares for the mother before you complete all the services in the global code.

You can also separately bill the initial visit to confirm pregnancy.

You can bill E/M codes if the mother seeks care for a problem not related to her pregnancy, such as treatment for a yeast infection or a postpartum discussion about birth control. You will also bill separate codes for most lab tests you do during the pregnancy.


Hysterectomy is a surgery to remove the uterus.

  • The weight of the uterus can also influence which CPT code you should use.
  • The extent of the surgery (how much of the uterus is removed) may influence which CPT code you should use.
  • Some CPT codes factor in additional services or procedures with the hysterectomy.
  • Abdominal hysterectomy codes range between 58150 and 58210.
  • Vaginal hysterectomy codes range between 58260 and 58291.
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy codes range between 58541 and 58573.
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy: CPT code 58570. This code is used for a laparoscopic total hysterectomy, including the removal of the uterus and cervix.
  • Oophorectomy: CPT code 58956. This code is used for a unilateral (one side) oophorectomy, which is the surgical removal of an ovary.
  • Salpingectomy: CPT code 58700. This code is used for the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes.
  • Endometrial ablation: CPT code 58353. This code is used for the destruction of the uterine lining (endometrium) using various techniques, such as thermal ablation or radiofrequency.
  • Myomectomy: CPT code 58140. This code is used for the surgical removal of uterine fibroids.
  • Cervical biopsy: CPT code 57421. This code is used for the removal of a small amount of tissue from the cervix for examination.

Yearly check-ups women have with their OB/GYN can include a general health screening and cervical cancer screening.
It’s important to remember that you’ll code well-woman exams based on two factors: the age of the patient and whether they are a new or established patient. New patient codes range from 99385-99387 and established patient codes range from 99395-99397.

The global maternity allowance is a complete, one-time billing that includes all professional services for routine antepartum care, delivery services, and postpartum care. The fee is reimbursed for all of the member’s obstetric care to one provider. If the member is seen four or more times prior to delivery for prenatal care and the provider performs the delivery and performs the postpartum care then the provider must bill the global OB code. Global maternity billing ends with the release of care within 42 days after delivery. Global OB care should be billed after the delivery date/on the delivery date.

Services included in the global obstetrical package.

  • Routine prenatal visits until delivery, after the first three antepartum visits.
  • Recording of weight, blood pressure, and fetal heart tones.
  • Admission to the hospital including history and physical.
  • Inpatient E&M service is provided within 24 hours of delivery.
  • Management of uncomplicated labor.
  • Vaginal or cesarean section delivery.
  • Delivery of placenta (CPT code 59414)
  • Administration/induction of intravenous oxytocin (CPT code 96365-96367)
  • Insertion of a cervical dilator on the same date as delivery (CPT 59200)
  • Repair of first or second-degree lacerations.
  • A simple removal of cerclage (not under anesthesia)
  • Uncomplicated inpatient visits following delivery.
  • Routine outpatient E&M services are provided within 42 days following delivery.
  • Postpartum care after vaginal or cesarean section delivery (CPT code 59430)

Services excluded from the global obstetrical package.

  • First three antepartum E&M visits.
  • Laboratory tests.
  • Maternal or fetal echography procedures.
  • Amniocentesis, any method.
  • Amniofusion.
  • Chronic villus sampling.
  • Fetal contraction stress test.
  • Fetal non-stress test.
  • External cephalic version.
  • Insertion of cervical dilator more than 24 hr before delivery.
  • E&M services that are unrelated to the pregnancy (for example UTI, asthma, etc) during antepartum or postpartum care.
  • Additional E&M visits for complications or high-risk monitoring resulted in greater than the typical 13 antepartum visits. However, these E&M services should not be reported until after the patient delivers. Append modifier 25 to identify these visits as separately identifiable from routine antepartum visits.
  • Inpatient E&M visits are provided more than 24 hours before delivery.
  • Management of surgical problems arising during pregnancy (for example cholecystectomy, appendicitis, ruptured uterus)

Antepartum Care only

For 1 to 3 visits: Use E&M office visit codes

For 4 to 6 visits. Use CPT 59425, This code must not be billed by the same provider in conjunction with one to three office visits, or in conjunction with code 59426.

For 7 or more visits. Use CPT 59426 - Complete antepartum care is limited to one beneficiary pregnancy per provider.

A single claim submission of CPT code 59425 or 59426 for the antepartum care only, excluding the confirmatory visit that may be reported and separately reimbursed when the antepartum record has not been initiated.

The unit's report should be 1 (one).

The dates reported should be the range of time covered, For example, If the patient had a total of 4-6 antepartum visits then the physician should report CPT code 59425 with the from and to dates for which the services occurred.

CPT 59425 and 59426 - These codes must not be billed together by the same provider for the same beneficiary, during the same pregnancy.

NOTE: Pregnancy-related E&M visits must not be billed in conjunction with code 59425 or 59426 by the same provider for the same beneficiary, during the same pregnancy.

Delivery services only

The following are the CPT codes for delivery services only:

CPT code 59409 - vaginal delivery only (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps)

CPT code 59414 - Cesarean delivery only

CPT code 59612 - vaginal delivery only, after previous cesarean delivery (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps)

CPT code 59620 - Cesarean delivery only, following attempted vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery

Services included in the delivery services:

  • Admission to the hospital
  • The admission history and physical examination
  • Management of uncomplicated labor, vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy, with or without forceps), or cesarean delivery, external and internal fetal monitoring provided by the attending physician
  • Intravenous induction of labor via oxytocin ( CPT code 96365-96367)
  • Delivery of the placenta, any method
  • Repair of first or second-degree lacerations
  • Insertion of cervical dilator (CPT 59200) to be included if performed on the same date of delivery

The delivery-only codes should be reported by the same group physician for a single gestation when the total OB package is not provided to the patient by the same physician or group practice or only the delivery component of the maternity care is provided and the postpartum care is performed by another physician or group of physicians.

Delivery only including postpartum care:

The same individual or same group physician provided the delivery care and postpartum care, in these instances few CPT codes encompass both of these services.

59410 - vaginal delivery only including postpartum care

59515 - cesarean delivery only, including postpartum care

59614 - vaginal delivery only, after previous cesarean delivery, including postpartum care

59622 - cesarean delivery only, following attempted vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery, including postpartum care

Services included in the delivery only including postpartum care services

  • Hospital visits related to the delivery during the delivery confinement
  • Uncomplicated outpatient visits related to the pregnancy
  • Discussion of contraception
Postpartum care only:

59430 - Postpartum care only (separate procedure)

Services included in the postpartum care

Uncomplicated outpatient visits related to the pregnancy
  • Discussion of contraception
Services excluded in the postpartum care
  • E&M of problems or complications related to the pregnancy
