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Pain Med Admin Through An Indwelling Catheter That Is Placed In The T5 Erector Muscle

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Staff member
Lequita Wilterding asked:

We have a patient that had the procedure 64420 done at another facility. Presented to our facility to have pain meds admin through the indwelling catheter twice daily. What cpt code would we use as the 64420 states that it includes catheter placement and all we are doing is admin the drugs. No pump was available at the time of catheter placement so individual bolus" are to be given. Thanks for any help anyone could give. Thank you; Lequita


Would 62320 define what you are doing?
Injection(s); of diagnostic or therapeutic substance(s) (eg; anesthetic; antispasmodic; opioid; steroid; other solution); not including neurolytic substances; including needle or catheter placement; interlaminar epidural or subarachnoid; cervical or thoracic; without imaging guidance.

The catheter is already indwelling but you would still "inject" the drug into the indwelling catheter. The description states "including needle OR catheter placement" and you stated it was not a catheter placement.

Lequita Wilterding wrote: Thank you JoAnne for your response. I am forwarding on to my HIM manager to see if she agrees. She states her problem with using an "Injection" code is that an "Injection" means piercing the skin each time when what we are doing is just accessing the catheter to admin the pain med. I have just started taking the FBC course and does "Injection" mean that; actual piercing the skin with a needle? I have Googled and Googled and can not find anything definite nor any code for just admin meds throught the cath unless it is an IV or something of that sort. The end of the cath is in the muscle so that is where the med is going; into the muscle. Thank you very much for your time you have spent on this issue. Lequita
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