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Resolved PCI Question

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New member
Hi Lori,

Quick question?

Laureen gave an example:

PD (branch) | atherectomy | chronic total occlusion

LM (main) | stent | CABG

Answer provided is

92933 -LM (revascularization was not performed)

92925 -PD

I thought because the PD branch is from a different artery (RC) you would report a base code 92924 oppose to a branch code +92925.

Why report 92925 oppose to 92924?

Thank you!
I watched these videos prior to asking the question, but unfortunately the video provided a conflicting answer, which prompted me to ask the question.
You would report both.
The physician performs a percutaneous transluminal coronary atherectomy by mechanical or other method with or without angioplasty. The skin over the access artery, usually one of the femoral arteries, is prepped and the artery is punctured with a needle and a sheath placed. A guidewire is inserted and advanced from the access artery through the aorta and into the blocked (occluded) coronary artery. Atherectomy is performed using a specialized balloon catheter that has a window on one side through which a cutting piston is advanced. The cutting piston shaves plaque from the artery wall. As the plaque is shaved from the arterial wall, it is pushed into the nose of the atherectomy device and is removed upon completion of the procedure when the catheter is withdrawn. The physician may make several passes with the atherectomy device to achieve the desired result. The atherectomy device is then withdrawn. Following completion of the atherectomy procedure, a balloon tipped angioplasty catheter may be advanced to the site of the blockage and the balloon inflated to smooth out and compress any remaining plaque. The angioplasty catheter is then withdrawn. Contrast is injected and a completion angiography performed to ensure that the treated artery is patent. Use 92924 for treatment of a single major coronary artery or branch and report 92925 for treatment of each additional branch of a major coronary artery.
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