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Picking Up E11.9 Along With E11.22?

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Staff member
Keith Phillips asked:

Hello everyone;

If a patient has DM type 2 along with CKD; I realize that I can pick up the E11.22 (DM 2; with diabetic CKD) since the tabular has "with" underneath Diabetes and the physician does not have to state a causal relationship. I have some confusion though about whether I should pick E11.9 along with E11.22.

Do both need to be picked up or is it acceptable to just pick up E11.22? To me it makes more sense to just pick up the E11.22 b/c the description of E11.9 is "Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications" and in my mind; I would consider CKD a complication. I could be thinking of this wrong but would love any input.




Thank you for your question. You would only capture E11.22 as type 2 diabetes in inherit of that code category. E11.- is for type 2 diabetes and complications associated with that type; while E10.- is for type 1 diabetes. Also; you would not code E11.9 along with a diabetic complication code (e.g.; E11.22) as that would be contradictory; especially on the same date of service.
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