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Standby Services

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Staff member
Robyn Blinky asked:

Dr provides standby service from 8pm-1015pm for C section for total of 2.25 hours. Code for standby service.

A. 99360x3
B. 99360x4

I selected B. Mock test stated my answer was wrong. It stated A was answer and rationale provided was confusing to me. If the code states each 30 minutes would B not be the answer for the full 2 hours. I understand why the 15 minutes isnt coded.

Can someone provide clarity?
Thank you!


JoAnne Sheehan wrote:

The time is 8:00 to 8:30 (1 unit) 8:30-9:00 (1 unit) 9:00 -9:30 (1 unit) 9:30-10:00 (1 unit) 10:00-10:15 (NO units). Answer should be 99360 x 4. Answer is B. Can you tell me where you got this mock question so that it can be corrected if it is from our site?

*Code 99360 is used to report the total duration of time spent on a given date on standby- each 30 minutes. Standby service of less than 30 minutes total duration on a given date is not reported separately.

Second and subsequent periods of standby beyond the first 30 minutes may be reported only if a full 30 minutes of standby was provided for each unit of service reported.
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