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Resolved VBAC on delivery chart


New member
Ok, I have researched and found multiple answers and cannot find the correct answer.
When to use a code for a VBAC or prior c section when the dr is not mentioning anything about an old scar or that is complicating the pregnancy/delivery.
Some say to use a 034.219 code or in that series if it mentions the type of scar in the notes, but the provider does not say anything about it. Some are saying any time they see VBAC. they code the o34 code.

Some of my research says yes, a prior c section can affect the current pregnancy/Delivery, so it should be coded. Then on other webinars/forums says not to code it every time you see a prior c section. And I think I seen something about a coding clinic that for a VBAC and no complications its O80 and know I can't find it.

I was wondering where I can get resources on the application of this code
To find resources on applying diagnosis codes for a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) on a delivery chart, you can consult the following sources: the official ICD-10-CM coding guidelines, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) coding manual, and online medical coding databases which provide specific information on appropriate ICD-10 codes for VBAC deliveries, including details on when to use them based on the circumstances of the birth.

Key points to remember:
  • ICD-10 code for VBAC:
    The primary ICD-10 code for a VBAC delivery is "O75.7" - Vaginal delivery following previous caesarean section.

  • Coding guidelines:
    Always refer to the official ICD-10-CM coding guidelines to ensure accurate application of codes based on the specific details of each patient's case.

Where to find resources:
  • ACOG Coding Manual:
    This publication from the ACOG provides comprehensive information on coding for obstetric and gynecological procedures, including detailed guidance on VBAC coding.

  • CMS website:
    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website provides access to the latest ICD-10-CM coding guidelines and updates.

  • Medical coding databases:
    Online databases like those offered by medical coding companies can provide searchable access to ICD-10 codes, including explanations and relevant clinical scenarios.

Important considerations when coding VBAC:
  • Patient history:
    Accurately document the patient's previous cesarean delivery history to ensure correct coding.

  • Complications:
    If any complications occur during the VBAC delivery, appropriate additional codes should be used to capture the full clinical picture.

  • Consult with coding specialist:
    If you have any questions about coding a specific VBAC case, consult with a certified medical coder or a healthcare professional familiar with obstetric coding practices.