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Resolved IVC thrombectomy


CCO Club Member
BHAT® Cave
CCO Intern
Tanesha Butler

I have open thrombectomy of the Inferior Vena Cava in the groin. There are two CPT codes which apply to the incision being in either the leg or abdomen. Since the groin is right in between, which one would you use? I don't have access to Dr. Z and google is not yielding any helpful information. The code could be either 34421 or 34401. Can someone that does IR shed some light? thanks in advance
Venous Embolectomy/Thrombectomy, Direct or With Catheter
Thrombectomy, direct or with catheter
34421 - Thrombectomy, direct or with catheter; vena cava, iliac, femoropopliteal vein, by leg incision

Venous Embolectomy/Thrombectomy, Direct or With Catheter
Thrombectomy, direct or with catheter
34401 - Thrombectomy, direct or with catheter; vena cava, iliac vein, by abdominal incision

Thrombectomy is performed on the vena cava, iliac vein, or femoropopliteal vein using an abdominal and/or leg incision. The groin is considered the leg.
Venous Embolectomy/Thrombectomy, Direct or With Catheter
Thrombectomy, direct or with catheter
34421 - Thrombectomy, direct or with catheter; vena cava, iliac, femoropopliteal vein, by leg incision

Venous Embolectomy/Thrombectomy, Direct or With Catheter
Thrombectomy, direct or with catheter
34401 - Thrombectomy, direct or with catheter; vena cava, iliac vein, by abdominal incision

Thrombectomy is performed on the vena cava, iliac vein, or femoropopliteal vein using an abdominal and/or leg incision. The groin is considered the leg.
Thank you Alicia