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Resolved Annotating


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Hi, I'm new and would like some advice. I am going over the annotations for ICD-10 and love all of the info I am getting from it. My question is this, on areas where there are a LOT of annotations that are difficult to fit in the margins, like Sepsis, how are YOU documenting the annotations? Are you trying to cram it all into the margin or are you adding it to a blank sheet the book provides? I did see where it was stated in the handout that we can take a separate printout of the guidelines with us to the exam, but I'm just wondering how I should annotate going forward since I don't know what to expect further in and also in the CPT book. Also, on page 32 of the Annotations, are we allowed to write the long paragraph regarding neoplasms on a blank sheet in our ICD-10 book? Thanks so much.
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Try to write as small as you can to keep it readable. You could write it elsewhere and make notation to "see page -"
Try to write as small as you can to keep it readable. You could write it elsewhere and make notation to "see page -"
Thank you. Are we allowed to write the long paragraph regarding neoplasms on page 32 of the ICD-10 Annotations onto a blank sheet in the book?
I should have been more specific. Can we write the long paragraph onto a blank sheet that is already in the book?
I guess you could but why? Your other option to save time, is to print the annotated guidelines and bring with you to exam.