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Resolved Cataract CM and CPT codes


New member
The left globe was exposed with a speculum and a 4-0 silk suture passed through the belly of the superior rectus muscle to be used for fixation. Conjunctiva was separated from the limbus from the 3 to the 9 o’clock position above and the previously placed iridencleises flap was found to be completely bound down to the sclerae. Accordingly this flap was dissected upward and an incision ½ the thickness of the sclerae cut from the 3 to the 9 o’clock position above through the sclerotomy wound. Two 9-0 Ethilon sutures were preplaced and the anterior chamber entered with a sclerotome. Corneal section was extended from 3 to 9 o’clock with scissors in such a manner as to effect an incision in two planes. The iris was separated from the lens with a blunt iris spatula and the Alpha Chymar Trypsin irrigated beneath the iris. The lens was grasped with a cryophake and delivered from the incision by a sliding technique without complication. All sutures were drawn and three additional 9-0 Ethilon sutures postplaced to close the wound well. The conjunctival flap was drawn over the wound and sutured in position with 6-0 plain gut sutures at 3 and 9 o’clock. Two percent Pilocarpine solution likewise was instilled. The patient returned to same day surgery area in good condition.
Emily are you sharing this documentation with us or did you have a question assosiated we can help you with?
The left globe was exposed with a speculum and a 4-0 silk suture passed through the belly of the superior rectus muscle to be used for fixation. Conjunctiva was separated from the limbus from the 3 to the 9 o’clock position above and the previously placed iridencleises flap was found to be completely bound down to the sclerae. Accordingly this flap was dissected upward and an incision ½ the thickness of the sclerae cut from the 3 to the 9 o’clock position above through the sclerotomy wound. Two 9-0 Ethilon sutures were preplaced and the anterior chamber entered with a sclerotome. Corneal section was extended from 3 to 9 o’clock with scissors in such a manner as to effect an incision in two planes. The iris was separated from the lens with a blunt iris spatula and the Alpha Chymar Trypsin irrigated beneath the iris. The lens was grasped with a cryophake and delivered from the incision by a sliding technique without complication. All sutures were drawn and three additional 9-0 Ethilon sutures postplaced to close the wound well. The conjunctival flap was drawn over the wound and sutured in position with 6-0 plain gut sutures at 3 and 9 o’clock. Two percent Pilocarpine solution likewise was instilled. The patient returned to same day surgery area in good condition.
Hi Emily, did you ever get the answer for this question? I would like to know the answer. Thank you.
CCO staff can review the codes you think a report should be assigned. This service is offered as part of CCO Club membership. Other public members are free to offer their advice as well.