Question: Hi, I took the CPC exam last Sunday and just received my results stating that I failed and my score was 62%. I'm kind of disappointed about that, because I used the Blitz videos and I was passing my practice exams. Now, I have to retake it, and I am not looking forward to that because that 5 hr and 40 minute exam was excruciating!
Answer Thread:
Hi Natalie - so sorry to hear that - truly. Email the helpdesk and they will get you set up with a support call. - we're just starting a new weekly support call for PBC and Blitz students and they'll give you the info.
What did you score on your practice exams and which ones did you do?
Hi Laureen, I took a practice exam online with UMA (the coding school I attended) and I passed with 77%. I also bought the practice exams along with my Blitz Videos.
When I took the CPC exam last Sunday my final scores were as follows:
20000 Series 60%
30000 Series 60%
40000 Series 60%
Compliance & Regulatory 40%
E/M 60%
ICD-9-CM 40%
Med Term 25%
Radiology 60%
Alicia S:
I look forward to having you on the Blitz call so we can go over any questions you have. Look on the bright side. You have one test behind you. That is great! It is not uncommon to take it twice. I did! You will do fine the next time. Let's stay connected. That is the key to success.
Carolyn H:
NatalieH, I took my CPC exam twice and I passed earning the CPC-A credential which I am now trying to get the A removed. Take the first attempt as a learning experience. At least you know what to expect when you take it again and what the format of the test looks like. You will do fine the next time you take the exam.
My stock advice is to do practice exams until you are scoring an 85%. Start with the AAPC practice exams - they have 3 that are 50 questions each then move on to the ones we offer etc. What you get for a course does not equate to the board exam - you need practice exams to tell you that.
Lori W:
Aww don't feel bad Natalie Alicia is right it is not uncommon to fail the exam the first time & now you know what you need to work on. And you have a great group here at CCO to help you achieve success!
I am currently taking the FULL AAPC cource for CPC, my Exam date is coming up VERY SOON and I had previously purchased the practice exam, and my Instructor uses all your BLITZ Videos, Laureen, we love em, Any additional info and words of wisdom, I sure want to pass my first time
, I am a bit nervous the closer it gets!
Lori W:
If you have Blitz You should be well prepared.
Susan S:
Just took the CPC exam this past Saturday. I,ve never been so sure of failing anything before. I just blanked on test taking strategies and I didn't trust my blitz training. when moderator announced two hours I panicked.I realized I spent two hours on 35 questions,looking up everything in each answer.In short. I Has A Hot Mess.I plan on taking the test again and reviewing the blitz videos(love them) and taking all the practice tests(fron AAPC and CC.O)Can anyone recommend more practice tests I can take.
I totally agree with the ladies here. I have proctored many CPC exams and know that the percentage for those that pass on the first try is not all that high. This became especially true when AAPC cganged the passing percentage to apply to each section and not the entire test as they did years ago. SO as the ladies mentioned, keep your head up and go at it again.
Ruth B:
I agree with Michael. The pass rate for first time applicants is very low. I believe at one point I heard that it was only 40%. I have my students do timed test to get used to the time factor. You only have about 2.25 minutes per question. When you are doing your practice test allowing only two minutes a question and aim for the previously mention 85%.
Anyone can sit here and tell you what is best, knock out the easiest things first, knock out the hardest things first. Truth of the matter is you have to go with what you feel is right, when takingh those practice exams, did you knock out the hardest things first or the easiest? The real truth behind taking a test is not what one instructs you to do but what YOU feel is COMFORTABLE FOR YOU!!!!! Because what worked for him, me or her, may not work for you! Some will tell you that you have two minutes per question, BS!!!!!! Get that outta your mind, if I tell you at the carnival that you have 30 seconds to make a shot you will start thowing anything you have just to make a shot and I know you will miss. Practise your exams, keep focused, get plenty of sleep, and ace it. END OF STORY
Ruth S:
You have some good points. I did not follow some of the advice I was given because it just didn't work for me, which I found out during the practice exams.
However, when people talk about the 2 minutes or 2:25 per question, I think they simply mean, you have an average of roughly 2 minutes per question. Personally, I found this idea helpful because it meant I couldn't spend too much time on one question, and it was a "heads' up" that time management was a critical factor in passing the exam. I made sure I didn't dilly-dally on the easy ones, so I would have more time for the ones that were more challenging. It worked for me.
I have take the exam twice now got better the second time but not good enough 66%. I'm not sure if I want to even try it again I am very disappointed in myself I have been in school for 3 years, got my degree in medical insurance billing. Just very down!
Binta C:
Dont get down Tami. I didnt pass on my first try. I just passed 2 weeks ago and you will too the next go round. These tips helped me and hopefully will help you as well. Timing is everything. You will want to answer all questions and thinking "if i just spend another minute on this question, i will figure it out." DON"T! Whatever question is making you take a second look, skip it.
Make a mark in your book to remind yourself to come back to that question. You do not have to answer the questions in order. So skim through the exam book initially. If you see that the easier questions are in the back, answer those first. This way it will free up time to answer the other questions that need extra time. My problem was time management the first time. Trust me, after 5 hrs and 40 minutes, you will say. "i need more time"
Secondly, get a good night's sleep. As a night owl, that can be difficult. But you need a good night's rest as you want to be completely alert for the exam.
The day of the exam, it seems basic, but make sure you do not drink a lot of fluids because you will see, every second counts. You do not want to spend any precious minutes running to the restroom, when that time can be spent on the exam
Good LUCK!!!!
Thanks Binta I think I am going to wait until I am least working as a biller before I even attempt it again. I don't really need to it right now, would have been great to add to my resume along with associates degree in medical insurance billing. But I am not coding at all right now.
Also, Tami, I waited til I was coding again which helped immensely. I had a gap of about a year between my courses and employment and I became very rusty. I coded for six months plus did a bunch of stuff to refresh my skills before sitting for the test. I was amazed at how fast I lost those skills in only a year. It all comes right back but you'll definitely want it all to be fresh for the next time you sit for the exam. Just have a little faith in yourself and all the hard work you've put in to get here and you will pass!
Kristen M:
Hello, I am new to the forum, I just took my CPC yesterday, and I am sure I failed. I took the course through the aapc online, and did very well, passed the course with an 88%. But when it came to the exam itself, way different. I did not get up once for anything, no bathroom breaks nothing. and still had to rush at the end to finish. I feel depressed, I was so confident , and that just all disappeared once I opened the exam. I know I will have to do over, but I see people discussing blitz? can anyone tell me what this is?
Ruth S:
Laureen Jandroep is the creator of the Blitz Review Videos. These video lectures targeted for people who have studied medical coding and want to review key info regarding CPT, ICD-9, and HCPCS. She remakes the videos every year and goes through that year's CPT manual pointing out how to distinguish the codes, and giving tips regarding the Guidelines and notes. She shows how to mark up the manuals (which she calls Bubble and Highlight), and gives info on how to manage your time taking the exam. It really helps to know her tips! Read more here.
I suggest you wait until you really know whether you passed or not.. sometimes people are surprised.
Answer Thread:
Hi Natalie - so sorry to hear that - truly. Email the helpdesk and they will get you set up with a support call. - we're just starting a new weekly support call for PBC and Blitz students and they'll give you the info.
What did you score on your practice exams and which ones did you do?
Hi Laureen, I took a practice exam online with UMA (the coding school I attended) and I passed with 77%. I also bought the practice exams along with my Blitz Videos.
When I took the CPC exam last Sunday my final scores were as follows:
20000 Series 60%
30000 Series 60%
40000 Series 60%
Compliance & Regulatory 40%
E/M 60%
ICD-9-CM 40%
Med Term 25%
Radiology 60%
Alicia S:
I look forward to having you on the Blitz call so we can go over any questions you have. Look on the bright side. You have one test behind you. That is great! It is not uncommon to take it twice. I did! You will do fine the next time. Let's stay connected. That is the key to success.
Carolyn H:
NatalieH, I took my CPC exam twice and I passed earning the CPC-A credential which I am now trying to get the A removed. Take the first attempt as a learning experience. At least you know what to expect when you take it again and what the format of the test looks like. You will do fine the next time you take the exam.
My stock advice is to do practice exams until you are scoring an 85%. Start with the AAPC practice exams - they have 3 that are 50 questions each then move on to the ones we offer etc. What you get for a course does not equate to the board exam - you need practice exams to tell you that.
Lori W:
Aww don't feel bad Natalie Alicia is right it is not uncommon to fail the exam the first time & now you know what you need to work on. And you have a great group here at CCO to help you achieve success!
I am currently taking the FULL AAPC cource for CPC, my Exam date is coming up VERY SOON and I had previously purchased the practice exam, and my Instructor uses all your BLITZ Videos, Laureen, we love em, Any additional info and words of wisdom, I sure want to pass my first time

Lori W:
If you have Blitz You should be well prepared.
Susan S:
Just took the CPC exam this past Saturday. I,ve never been so sure of failing anything before. I just blanked on test taking strategies and I didn't trust my blitz training. when moderator announced two hours I panicked.I realized I spent two hours on 35 questions,looking up everything in each answer.In short. I Has A Hot Mess.I plan on taking the test again and reviewing the blitz videos(love them) and taking all the practice tests(fron AAPC and CC.O)Can anyone recommend more practice tests I can take.
I totally agree with the ladies here. I have proctored many CPC exams and know that the percentage for those that pass on the first try is not all that high. This became especially true when AAPC cganged the passing percentage to apply to each section and not the entire test as they did years ago. SO as the ladies mentioned, keep your head up and go at it again.
Ruth B:
I agree with Michael. The pass rate for first time applicants is very low. I believe at one point I heard that it was only 40%. I have my students do timed test to get used to the time factor. You only have about 2.25 minutes per question. When you are doing your practice test allowing only two minutes a question and aim for the previously mention 85%.
Anyone can sit here and tell you what is best, knock out the easiest things first, knock out the hardest things first. Truth of the matter is you have to go with what you feel is right, when takingh those practice exams, did you knock out the hardest things first or the easiest? The real truth behind taking a test is not what one instructs you to do but what YOU feel is COMFORTABLE FOR YOU!!!!! Because what worked for him, me or her, may not work for you! Some will tell you that you have two minutes per question, BS!!!!!! Get that outta your mind, if I tell you at the carnival that you have 30 seconds to make a shot you will start thowing anything you have just to make a shot and I know you will miss. Practise your exams, keep focused, get plenty of sleep, and ace it. END OF STORY
Ruth S:
You have some good points. I did not follow some of the advice I was given because it just didn't work for me, which I found out during the practice exams.
However, when people talk about the 2 minutes or 2:25 per question, I think they simply mean, you have an average of roughly 2 minutes per question. Personally, I found this idea helpful because it meant I couldn't spend too much time on one question, and it was a "heads' up" that time management was a critical factor in passing the exam. I made sure I didn't dilly-dally on the easy ones, so I would have more time for the ones that were more challenging. It worked for me.
I have take the exam twice now got better the second time but not good enough 66%. I'm not sure if I want to even try it again I am very disappointed in myself I have been in school for 3 years, got my degree in medical insurance billing. Just very down!
Binta C:
Dont get down Tami. I didnt pass on my first try. I just passed 2 weeks ago and you will too the next go round. These tips helped me and hopefully will help you as well. Timing is everything. You will want to answer all questions and thinking "if i just spend another minute on this question, i will figure it out." DON"T! Whatever question is making you take a second look, skip it.
Make a mark in your book to remind yourself to come back to that question. You do not have to answer the questions in order. So skim through the exam book initially. If you see that the easier questions are in the back, answer those first. This way it will free up time to answer the other questions that need extra time. My problem was time management the first time. Trust me, after 5 hrs and 40 minutes, you will say. "i need more time"
Secondly, get a good night's sleep. As a night owl, that can be difficult. But you need a good night's rest as you want to be completely alert for the exam.
The day of the exam, it seems basic, but make sure you do not drink a lot of fluids because you will see, every second counts. You do not want to spend any precious minutes running to the restroom, when that time can be spent on the exam
Good LUCK!!!!
Thanks Binta I think I am going to wait until I am least working as a biller before I even attempt it again. I don't really need to it right now, would have been great to add to my resume along with associates degree in medical insurance billing. But I am not coding at all right now.
Also, Tami, I waited til I was coding again which helped immensely. I had a gap of about a year between my courses and employment and I became very rusty. I coded for six months plus did a bunch of stuff to refresh my skills before sitting for the test. I was amazed at how fast I lost those skills in only a year. It all comes right back but you'll definitely want it all to be fresh for the next time you sit for the exam. Just have a little faith in yourself and all the hard work you've put in to get here and you will pass!
Kristen M:
Hello, I am new to the forum, I just took my CPC yesterday, and I am sure I failed. I took the course through the aapc online, and did very well, passed the course with an 88%. But when it came to the exam itself, way different. I did not get up once for anything, no bathroom breaks nothing. and still had to rush at the end to finish. I feel depressed, I was so confident , and that just all disappeared once I opened the exam. I know I will have to do over, but I see people discussing blitz? can anyone tell me what this is?
Ruth S:
Laureen Jandroep is the creator of the Blitz Review Videos. These video lectures targeted for people who have studied medical coding and want to review key info regarding CPT, ICD-9, and HCPCS. She remakes the videos every year and goes through that year's CPT manual pointing out how to distinguish the codes, and giving tips regarding the Guidelines and notes. She shows how to mark up the manuals (which she calls Bubble and Highlight), and gives info on how to manage your time taking the exam. It really helps to know her tips! Read more here.
I suggest you wait until you really know whether you passed or not.. sometimes people are surprised.