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Resource Get Hired

Kay Wadelton gave some great advice she has given me permission to share.

After my recent posts some mentioned the difficulty of finding a job...as a manager I thought I was share some insight on my end of the interview process...what impresses me...
Getting past the resume stage..
Make sure your resume looks professional..not too little info and not to much...they don't need to know where you worked at 16...sell yourself on your cover letter...again 1 page..dont write a book.. and spell check!

If you get an interview..

1..when you interview take the time to dress very well..you wont believe some people dress like they are going to grab milk at the store.And dressing like you are going clubbing is not good either...
2. Look up some information about the place you are interviewing and express your desire to work there because they ABCD...whatever it may be they are about..
3. Tell them... yes you are new BUT you have the desire and drive and passion to become an excellent coder to provide quality work for your employer and if given a chance they wont be disappointed..
4. This should be #1... look them in the eye..do not fidget in your chair..look calm and confident..
Hope this is helpful to those who are nervous about interviewing...

LIVE with CCO #018 | Resumes for Medical Coders and Billers

LIVE Medical Coding Recruiter Advice - CCO Club Q & A Webinar #042


Set the Stage for Success at Your New Job

Follow this sage advice on how revenue cycle managers can capitalize on their first 90 days.
Maintain Good Working Relationships
First Impressions Mean Everything
Slow Your Roll
Let’s Talk Numbers

Updated for 2022!

How to Get Your First Job in Medical Coding​

Looking for a Job in Medical Coding Can Be Stressful​

That’s why we set out to create a simple guide that showcases exactly what employers want. The more inside information you have, the more confident and comfortable you will be. “Get Your First Job in Medical Coding” provides you with…

How to Get Your First Job in Medical Coding
How to Get Your First Job in Medical Coding
  • Tips for writing a cover letter and resume.
  • Insider secrets on acing an interview.
  • A peek behind the curtain to find out what employers are really looking for in a potential medical coding candidate.
All this information is based on real-life interviews with medical coders, healthcare recruiters and more. These are the people who are hiring people like you and they share specific information about what will land you that first medical coding interview.

CCO's past Instructor Jennifer Sanders wrote this great article.

New coders often wonder how experience helps.

Does more education help?

These top questions are asked in many interviews.
Here are ten questions you may be asked in an interview.
Sample answers to answer some questions you may be asked during the interview process.
