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January 2025 CCO Club Q&A Webinar - A Coder’s Guide to Value-Based Care

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Automated Robot
Staff member
January 2025 CCO Club Q&A Webinar - A Coder’s Guide to Value-Based Care.webp

🌟 January 2025 CCO Club Q&A Webinar - A Coder’s Guide to Value-Based Care🌟

Join industry experts Alicia and Laureen as they go beyond basics to understand Value-Based Care. We will review how to achieve accurate coding and capture care complexity. Explore what coding trends to track as well as closing gaps in data. Learning how to work in a multidisciplinary team to achieve a common goal.

This live event is approved for 1 QPro and AAPC CEU. You must register and attend in order to get CEU. CCO Club Members can watch the recorded version and take the CEU quiz if unable to attend live. No CEUs are available for YouTube, Facebook, and Linkedin audiences as we have to track attendance.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay informed and enhance your coding skills. Register now and be part of the future of coding!

To register (necessary for CEUs) go here https://streamyard.com/watch/TyD4H7Ddj5Kv
Wonderful Clocked out of work to be here LIVE appx 4-5 minutes late.....listened to the webinar, but must not have been listening too hard because I failed to glean the secret password and have now failed the quiz = no CEU. :(
I went to the CCO gradebook last night to answer the test question. The test was there, but won't let me open it. I was going to try again today. When I went to the CCO grade book it was gone. I also did see the secret word for the webinar last night I was there the whole time.
I took the test, saw certificate but could not download it. Trying again today but now it is saying that I can't access it. What am I doing wrong?
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