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Resolved Omit Code


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Oct 27, 2012


Hi Laureen and Alicia!

Can you please explain the USE of "Omit Code" in the ICD-9?? I just don't get it! If we are not to use this code then why have it in the book?!?!?!

This is what I am thinking it means - can you confirm or tell me what it does in fact mean?

Example in volume 3 ICD-9 Hospital procedures 39.3 Suture of a vessel

Then under that it has an "Excludes note" and under that "Omit Code" and it lists other codes like
39.52 49.95 57.93 39.41 21.00 - 21.09 60.94 28.7 = does it mean that if I am coding anything from this list that I should not code anything in the 39.3 category as well?

Linda Charlwood

Response Thread:

This post was answered during the November 2012 Q&A Webinar. Your may view the replay of this video, as well as all the replays from the past, when you join the CCO Club. For more information, click here.

Ruth Sheets

In a nutshell: An omit code means the code is redundant or already bundled in. Therefore, omit that code when coding the main procedure code.

If you want more examples, Alicia goes over some in the Nov 2012 Q&A Webinar and in the transcript which is available when you join the replay club.
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