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What cpt would be used to code this surgery. Physician is wanting to bill for 31370. Supraglottic partial laryngectomy for tumor removal:::
The surgery was done robotically, the lesion was addressed and was noted to be a very friable papillary appearing mass which was pedunculated on the right area epiglottic fold. the mass was debulked and removed piecemeal using dissection with a spatula cautery and Maryland retractor. Frozen section came back consistent with an Atypical squamous papilloma. the mass was removed in its entirety along the area epiglottic fold and the right side of the supraglottic larynx just above the right false vocal cord.
I believe it should be 31541.
Endoscopy Procedures on the Larynx
31541 - Laryngoscopy, direct, operative, with excision of tumor and/or stripping of vocal cords or epiglottis; with operating microscope or telescope

Excision Procedures on the Larynx
31370 - Partial laryngectomy (hemilaryngectomy); horizontal

The headers is the key. You are right.
Thank you so Much Alicia! :)